Potential invasive species with honeybees in their sights don’t just include the dreaded Asian Hornet, sadly there are others. The Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) was first identified as a parasite of bee colonies in their sub-saharan home in the 1940’s. Between then and now, with human help, the SHB has hopped to every continent except Antarctica. This horror lays eggs in honey and destroys hive hygiene and is now endemic in parts of the US.

The SHB arrived in Europe and colonised Southern Italy in 2014, adding the region to its range. It is now felt that the SHB is probably here to stay.

While export bans on European live bee packages will help keep SHB out of the UK, we can not be complacent. A recent infestation in Portugal was very costly to repel.

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